
In the preparation for COP11 of the Convention of Biological Diversity - during WGRI 4 - a party delegate proposed that obstacles to the implementation of the Strategic Plan caused by conflicts and disasters should be considered under New and Emerging issues.
During COP11, EcoNexus and Ecoropa organised a side event, to argue in favour of requesting the Executive Secretary to undertake a review of the impacts of disasters and conflicts on biodiversity

Side event with Christine von Weizsäcker (Ecoropa) at COP 11 in Hyderabad,

Discussions on funding, financial targets and innovative financial mechanisms were extremely difficult during the COP10 in Nagoya in October 2010 and clearly revealed the divide between North and South. They also reflect a wider struggle going on over the effectiveness and implications of market‐oriented approaches to the three Rio Conventions, including biodiversity conservation. This struggle that is going to be central for "Rio+20", the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development where 'green economy' is one of the two main topics on the agenda.

H. Paul & A. Lorch, ECO, Vol. 36(1)

It was clear from the beginning of the biennial United Nations biodiversity conference in Nagoya that money was - and is - a crucial issue. Unfortunately, the conference confirmed a consistent pattern of failure to make sufficient provision for developing countries to enable them to implement their commitments under the CBD.

Antje Lorch, Third World Resurgence No. 242/243, Nov. 2010